
今天很巧在Craig Mod的博客看到一篇文章 Root Appreciation, 说的是去年他在某个长途徒步中,不留意脚下的路,走偏一步险些丧命山崖——“险些”止于他拉住了路边树木的根茎,从而止住了几秒钟,而最后得以把自己从悬崖拉回。他洋洋洒洒写了篇回顾的文章,因为今年今日,他即将到达同一个地点,想给树根一些“appreciation”。



从诊所出来,又叫了辆出租车,因为车型较小,我无法保持腿部伸直的状态,所以半靠在后座上,斜躺着。司机见我很不舒服的样子,说“你不妨把鞋脱了,把整个腿架在后座上,这样比较舒服。”我尴尬地说“这鞋我脱不了,我够不着…” 司机师傅当下把车停了,帮我把鞋带解开,让我可以舒服地坐在后座上。其间他也在给我解释家里有人骨折,如何如何不方便,处处需要别人的帮助等等… 抵达目的地时,这位司机又下车帮我穿上了鞋子,还不停地跟我道歉说“真是不好意思,太鲁莽了,系的鞋带太丑了。” 末了他又加了一句“你还很年轻,很快就恢复了。要多保重!”


又一天拄着拐杖,一个邮递员骑着电动车迎面而过。过了一会儿他掉过头来,停下车,追上我,说“你这样的拐杖要改高一级把全身都架上去才行。你看要这样… …” 一边说着,一边伴着肢体语言给我解释拐杖的用法。他拍着胸脯说,“我前不久也骨折了一次,我希望我的这些经验能够帮你一些… 你要多保重!” 说完又骑车走了。


Galaxy Song from Monty Python

Whenever life gets you down, Mrs.Brown
And things seem hard or tough
And people are stupid, obnoxious or daft
And you feel that you’ve had quite enough

Just remember that you’re standing on a planet that’s evolving
And revolving at nine hundred miles an hour
That’s orbiting at nineteen miles a second, so it’s reckoned
A sun that is the source of all our power

The sun and you and me and all the stars that we can see
Are moving at a million miles a day
In an outer spiral arm, at forty thousand miles an hour
Of the galaxy we call the ‘milky way’

Our galaxy itself contains a hundred billion stars
It’s a hundred thousand light years side to side
It bulges in the middle, sixteen thousand light years thick
But out by us, it’s just three thousand light years wide

We’re thirty thousand light years from galactic central point
We go ’round every two hundred million years
And our galaxy is only one of millions of billions
In this amazing and expanding universe

The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding
In all of the directions it can whizz
As fast as it can go, the speed of light, you know
Twelve million miles a minute and that’s the fastest speed there is

So remember, when you’re feeling very small and insecure
How amazingly unlikely is your birth
And pray that there’s intelligent life somewhere up in space
‘Cause there’s bugger all down here on Earth

Jones, Trevor / Idle, Eric






去影院看《艺术家》,同行的朋友说很神奇现在还能在电影院看到这样的电影,好像instagram拍出来的胶卷。这位朋友每次在大陆看电影正片开始前放广电总局通告时都要很兴奋地指着屏幕说“你看你看,中共准许我们看这部电影哟。” 我只好无奈地叹气。算一算,2013年初几步最抢眼的电影居然大陆本土都无缘,“被解放的姜戈” “大亨小传” “云图” “在路上”。

这部黑白片最令人心碎的一幕应该是,艺术家的妻子对他说 “我不开心。” 而彼时他正处于因为不想拍有声电影几乎要失去全部的低谷,他抬起头说“亲爱的,这世界上有很多人都不开心。”

Pushwagner: Soft City

Perhaps it’s been all right to have a repeatedly numb life, but it’s seriously dangerous when someone remind you so.

Pushwagner: Soft City

28 June – 2 September 2012 via MK Gallery 

This is the first solo exhibition outside of Norway by artist Pushwagner (born Oslo, 1940), bringing together drawings, paintings and prints made over the last forty years. His visionary practice resonates with the glamour of Pop Art, the language of science fiction, the anti-materialism of the Beat poets and the hallucinations of Vincent Van Gogh.

The exhibition includes his defining creation, the graphic novel ‘Soft City’, which encapsulates a generation’s disenchantment with capitalism and life in the modern city. It also includes a series of prints that depict the trappings of power, featuring one of the principal characters in Pushwagner’s mythology: ‘The Boss’. This omnipotent bureaucrat sits behind a massive desk of levers and switches and controls the world via a giant screen. In the Long Gallery, the Apocalypse Frieze comprises obsessively detailed paintings where factories double up as death camps and the ravages of war are perpetuated under the watchful eye of robotic men in suits.

Pushwagner’s epic satire exaggerates and ridicules the symbols of capitalism, war, industry and leisure. This critique of power and greed, most dramatically expressed through the giant mouth on the Gallery’s façade, takes on a particular resonance in the context of today’s financial crises.

Following its presentation in Milton Keynes, the exhibition will be presented at Haugar Vestfold Art Museum, Norway (22 September – 30 December 2012) and Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, the Netherlands (2 February – 28 April 2013).

Sourced quote

If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea. — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a very loose English paraphrase of his French poem Dessine-moi un bateau, or Make Me a Boat, found in Citadelle, 1948.


Parkinson’s Law of Triviality states that, “the time spent on any item of the agenda will be in inverse proportion to the sum involved.” In other words, if you try to build a simple thing such as a public bike shed, there will be endless town hall discussions wherein people argue over trivial details such as the color of the door. But if you want to build a nuclear power plant — a project so vast and complicated that most people can’t understand it — people will defer to expert opinion. — C. Northcote Parkinson, 1957, Parkinson’s Law.



Xincheng, Taiwan, 2012

题外,Gia 的传记片压抑得我喘不过气,定然是拉上鸵鸟冲向楼下便利店吞掉一杯八喜(什么乳糖这时候闪一边去)也无法平复郁结的心气。琳达拿起那小罐子说“选它还是选我”的画面,让我觉得好笑又好气。








今天误伤了博客的 DB,找图往老帖子里贴得好辛苦。最惨的是有些扫描手写的短文,都没有留备份。贴几张照片解乏吧。





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This post is here because blog database in server was deleted by accident today and a new one is created thus new wp is installed. Anyway I’d like to keep this post since I’m indeed saying hello to a new world soon.