
上个月到朋友家去蹭饭,事先并不知道8号线耀华路下车就是魔都中的魔都之世博园区,从地铁口出来,抬头一看就望见了大红门,人山人海之中,居然有点”Eyes wide shut”的代入感。耳边响起几段惊悚的音乐,如下。



1. Musica ricercata is a set of eleven pieces for piano by Hungarian composer György Ligeti (May 28, 1923 – June 12, 2006). The work was composed from 1951 to 1953[1], shortly after the composer began lecturing at the Budapest Academy of Music.[2] Although the ricercata (or ricercar) is an established contrapuntal style (and the final movement of the work is in that form), Ligeti’s title should probably be interpreted literally as “researched music” or “sought music”. This work captures the essence of Ligeti’s search to construct his own compositional style ex nihilo[3], and as such presages many of the more radical directions Ligeti would take in the future.

2.The Suite for Jazz Orchestra No. 2 is a Suite by Dmitri Shostakovich. It was written in 1938 for the newly-founded State Jazz Orchestra of Victor Knushevitsky, and was premiered on 28 November 1938 in Moscow (Moscow Radio) by the State Jazz Orchestra. The score was lost during World War II, but a piano score of the work was rediscovered in 1999 by Manashir Yakubov. Three movements of the suite were reconstructed and orchestrated by Gerard McBurney, and were premiered at a London Promenade Concert in 2000.








— 《收藏家》 by Raymond Carver (全文)

谁来讲解一下这个莫名其妙的故事……我真没看懂。想砸墙哎,每次看他的故事,看完了就是一个感觉,莫名其妙 “what the hell happened”