
(Martin Bergmann as Professor Levy in Crimes and Misdemeanors, 1989)

“You will notice that what we are aiming at when we fall in love is a very strange paradox. The paradox consists of the fact that, when we fall in love, we are seeking to re-find all or some of the people to whom we were attached as children. On the other hand, we ask our beloved to correct all of the wrongs that these early parents or siblings inflicted upon us. So that love contains in it the contradiction: the attempt to return to the past and the attempt to undo the past.”

“But we must always remember that when we are born we need a great deal of love to persuade us to stay in life. Once we get that love, it usually lasts us. But the universe is a pretty cold place. It’s we who invest it with our feelings. And under certain conditions, we feel that the thing isn’t worth it anymore.”

“We’re all faced throughout our lives with agonizing decisions, moral choices. Some are on a grand scale, most of these choices are on lesser points. But we define ourselves by the choices we have made. We are, in fact, the sum total of our choices. Events unfold so unpredictably, so unfairly, Human happiness does not seem to be included in the design of creation. it is only we, with our capacity to love that give meaning to the indifferent universe. And yet, most human beings seem to have the ability to keep trying and even try to find joy from simple things, like their family, their work, and from the hope that future generations might understand more. ”

我们一生中都要不断面对痛苦的抉择,道德的抉择。有的选择还意义重大,大部分都是鸡毛蒜皮的小事。但是,我们作什么样的选择,就决定了我们是什么样的人, 我们实际上是我们所做的选择的总和。世事难料,生活也有诸多不平之事,在上帝造物的时候,仿佛并没有考虑到人类幸福这件事,只有靠我们自己,每个人爱的能力不同,才会赋予这个无情的宇宙以意义。但是,大部分人都有能力继续生活下去,甚至可以从小事中寻找到快乐,比如从家人、工作,还有从对未来一代的希望中找到快乐,希望他们可以更加理解生活。

Crimes and Misdemeanors , 没有强大内心的还是别看了, WA就一个目的,就是把所有的观众都搞疯自杀。什么知识什么信仰都是扯淡,爱可以征服各种形式的悲观主义,但是这种爱的实现,部分是要靠说谎和隐瞒的。米亚法罗在WA的电影里从来就是个傻大姐形象,C&M看到70%还在纳闷为什么这部显得很“聪明”, 不出所料,结局还是个不能落俗的大姐。她是她,也是你,也是我。

中老年版before sunrise


从“牟春光”被引诱过去看Emma Thompson和Dustin Hoffman飚戏,结果俩中年人就上演了这么一出英国版日落之前。 各位文艺青年们不要激动,这里没有法国的“日落之前”dialogue heavy再加慢节奏音乐。虽然男主角是个写广告配乐的艺术界人士,可这片压根儿跟艺术就沾不上边。两个生活很shitty的中年人相遇,可能发生什么?

中老年人也有浪漫吗?怎么看怎么还是一出《理智与情感》的现代版。长着一副老人脸的Emma,十几年了容貌不变。遇到不合拍的聚会朋友,自己跑去洗手间哭,简直就差在旁边放Joni ichelle的CD,正好重现love actually 的辛酸无奈; 坐在长椅上等待有约的人儿,那脸上的皱纹和表情都和那个怀疑自己自作多情的Eleanor如出一辙。Dustin Hoffman虽然笑容俊朗迷人,可是举手投足之间的绝望实在让人心寒呐。

为什么这些老戏骨都喜欢在年老之时饰演这些浪漫爱情剧呢,Tom Hanks出演看似荒谬的幸福终点站;Meryl Streep 焕发出超越年龄的活力去演Mama Mia; 那个什么苦瓜脸的Nicholas Cage演的片子就不提罢。对演员来说,人间不过寄身处,身外身做梦中梦(引自《给电影人的情书》)。在体验了大半个人生又演过无数牛比角色之后,一票老人再去演这些浪漫爱情剧,虽然从头到脚充满的都是苦涩,可毕竟还是让人觉得生活美好了一些。

编剧: Joel Hopkins
导演: Joel Hopkins
主演: Dustin Hoffman / Emma Thompson / James Brolin / Richard Schiff
制片国家/地区: 美国 / 英国
上映日期: 2008-12-25 >更多
语言: 英语
imdb 链接: tt1046947

Max Horowitz’s TV

(Mary & Max)




[Notes] About Astrology

Sheldon vs Penny about astrology:

Penny: I’m a Sagittarius which probably tells you way more than you need to know…

Sheldon: Yes… it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the sun’s apparent position relevant to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth somehow affects your personality.

Penny: Participate in the what?

An act in Annie Hall



(Woody moves up the sidewalk to

a young trendy-looking couple,

arms wrapped around each other)

You-you look like a really happy couple.

Uh, uh … are you?




Yeah! So … so h-h-how do you account

for it?


Uh, I’m very shallow and empty and I

have no ideas and nothing interesting

to say.


And I’m exactly the same way.


I see. Well, that’s very interesting.

So you’ve managed to work out something, huh?






Oh, well, thanks very much for talking

to me.

Twittering- Movies

My crazy week with movies.



Animations and colors are both amazing. Soundtrack is also noteworthy, i.e. melody of Carmen runs out when old Carl came down the stairs, humorous use huhh. Amusing but telling some stories at the same time, that’s pixar’s style. Adventure is out there, but for most of us, it’s really hard to take an real adventure even when we have opportunities to do so.

Iceage 3

I was late for 15 mins, which should be a pity. The gentleman weasel Buck is impressive. I believe he comes from Britain. Accent Amazing. A larger-than-life character. You can see many morphs from those classic movies, Harry Porter, Ring, Shreck and even Top Gun!


Have you ever tried to do something with all your heart and wanted it to be a great exception but it still finally turned out to be a piece of shit? Don’t worry, this movie finally cames out to be that “shit” of Charlie Kaufman. And I believe that’s how this world is running. God have set the rules.

August Rush

Can music be that strong? Nice music, beautiful actors and actress, perfect end. It’s like a fairy tale, but love it, in anyway. Plot holes, meandering story, and unrealistic characters, that’s nothing.

The Holiday

Still an exception. A story of Amanda and Iris. Kate Winslet is a perfect actress! Amanda’s logic for love is exactly the same with mine, or rather at least 80%. The scenery that she cried on the taxi at the end of holiday made cry again cause I cried the same way in Lhasa, but surely our tears are for different things. Talks between Arthor and Iris are brilliant.


今天铿次铿次地跑到琴行把六根琴弦都换了,总算音听起来正常了一些。留念一张。周末把7月在西藏泽当邮政招待所熬夜看的佳片有约《改编剧本》拖出来看了一遍英文原版,发现无比多的删节。。。除了剧本本身的魅力,Nicolas Cage这一只当仁不让的碎碎念大王也是一个原因。
Most people yearn for something
exceptional, something so inspiring…
…that they’d want to risk everything
for that passion, but few would act on it.

Originally uploaded by Sharon_NG


The world is so huge that people are always getting lost in it. There are too many ideas and things and people, too many directions to go. I was starting to believe that the reason it matters to care passionately about something is that it whittles the world down to a more manageable size. It makes the world seem not huge and empty but full of possibilities.

——"The Orchid Thief"  Susan Orlean