
总导演兼编辑,不靠谱的领队 Simone Marini 同志,因为他的不靠谱我们错过了下午1:50分开往Sok Kwu Wan的船,在ifc顶楼的免费茶座苦等了80分钟才等来了下一班。还好这位穿着达尔文T恤的PHD领队没有在这80分钟里面给我们讲进化论,因为他在讲英语超过两分钟后会抱着脑袋大叫“为什么我要讲英语!”。虽然我们都有GPS和android,但是在领队的强大气场下,我们核对路径的方式变成了由领队拿出手写instruction对着所有队员朗读下一个步骤,虽然比如他刚刚读过“注意看trail右边有通向洞口的路”后过了三分钟我随口一问“是右边对吧”就会直接导致其作抓狂状“我好像忘记了!”然后再申请向地图保管者(简称“司图”)要来地图确认一遍。就是这个领队居然领着我们活着从地道里出来了。更多图片稍后奉上。


Sneaking into the Japanese tunnels of Lamma Island (Hong Kong) from Simone Marini on Vimeo.

Quoted from Simone

Lamma Island is just a nice, hippie island easily reachable from Central Hong Kong piers. There are two small villages, a big coal power plant, some nice hiking trails, and what else? Well, tunnels. Many tunnels. Lamma was the main hub for the Japanese navy when they were controlling Hong Kong during World War II. So they dug hidden tunnels for a variety of reasons, like hiding stuff and soldiers, having nice sniper positions and host a suicide boat squad.

Some of them are easy to find, in particular the caves for the suicide boat squad: you just have to walk along the family trail. Others, on the other hand, are shattered among the hills, the entrances covered by dirt and bushes, far from the most popular trails.

I gathered a bunch of weirdos like me and we went searching for them. We were lucky enough to find our dungeon.

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