Donna Donna,原作是一首意第绪语的舞台剧配乐,意第绪语是中东欧犹太人及其在各国的后裔说的一种语言。歌词主要讲述了一只小牛犊被拉去屠宰场的故事,小牛犊其实是在影射大屠杀中的犹太人。歌曲的原名在意第绪语中是Dana Dana,是希伯来语中“主”Adonai的变体。
作者Sholom Secunda后将旋律和歌词翻译成英语,并将Dana 改成了 Donna,但是这个英文版本还是没有流行起来。在50年代中期Arthur Kevess和 Teddi Schwartz 重新翻译了此歌。尤其是1960年Joan Baez, 1965年Donovan 和 1968年Patty Duke 分别录制了不同版本之后,这首歌广泛流传开来。下面贴的是民谣女神Joan Baez的录音。
Calves are easily bound and slaughtered, Never knowing the reason why. But whoever treasures freedom, Like the swallow has learned to fly.
[Full Lyrics]
Translation by Kevess & Schwartz
On a wagon bound for market
There’s a calf with a mournful eye.
High above him there’s a swallow
Winging swiftly through the sky.How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer’s night.Dona, dona, dona, dona,
Dona, dona, dona, do,
Dona, dona, dona, dona,
Dona, dona, dona, do.“Stop complaining, ” said the farmer,
“Who told you a calf to be?
Why don’t you have wings to fly with
Like the swallow so proud and free?”How the winds are laughing …
Calves are easily bound and slaughtered
Never knowing the reason why.
But whoever treasures freedom,
Like the swallow has learned to fly.
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p.s. 开始使用 作为small music 存储工具,希望不要很快被墙掉。
啊 donna donna 虽然已记不起是怎样遇上这首歌 却牢牢记得蜷腿坐在寝室椅子上单曲回放这首歌的日子
一直以为donna是一个名字 以为是讲述美丽女子和爱恋之心的歌
-_-汗颜啊明明是这么清晰的英语为啥我当初什么都么听出来…文字自动忽略 听到的只有donna
看来我这small music写得还是有点用哈。